
Frerard - 2.

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KilljoyMakeSomeNoise's avatar

Literature Text


The past few weeks hanging out with Gerard had been awesome, we'd gone to all the comic stores in the neighbourhood and bought as many as we could. I smiled at the thought as I sat on my bed - Gerard was sitting at my desk reading one of the many that we bought.

"Hey Frank, I uh.. need to go home now." He said quietly, staring at me. I smiled and got up, heading for the door. "I mean, I can see myself out.. I-I don't mind.."

"I don't mind walking you home either. So hush." I smirked at him, but he just looked frightened - I dismissed it anyway.

We were on his street now, walking quickly. Gerard seemed to be in a rush and completely silent. We stopped by his front garden gate and said our goodbyes. Gerard ran to his door, slamming it quickly behind him. I frowned - what was up with him?

Thats when I heard the shouting, at first I thought it was next door, but then I saw movement by the window. I could tell it was Gerard, his hair gave him away. Someone walked up to him and their fist slammed across his cheek as I gasped. Looking around me quickly, before running to the front door and knocking on it hurriedly. I tried to calm my breathing, without much luck.

The door swung open to reveal a tall, rather fat but fucking scary looking man. I saw Gerard gripping onto the doorframe to the living room behind him, his other hand hovering under his nose as it bled. He looked up and stared at me, his eyes wide.

"Uh, uhm. Gerard l-left this at my house." I stuttered, grabbing the first thing in my jean pocket, which happened to be the note we sent in class. The man grabbed the paper, and grunted.

"Thanks, now bugger off." With that, he slammed the door. The last thing I saw was Gerard. He was still staring at me, with eyes of a terrified child.

The next day I was sat in the library by 8am - having over half an hour before school started - I chose to do some research on child abuse. I'll admit that Gerard wasn't really a child because he was eighteen, but that didn't make what was happening to him right.

I scrolled down the Google links, clicking on one that triggered interest. It was called 'Child Abuse - Signs and Symptons.'

Two of the bulletpoints caught my eye.

'Unexplained recurrent injuries or burns' and 'Improbable excuses or refusal to explain injuries.' I frowned. That sounded just like Gerard and my thoughts trailed back to the library a few weeks ago when I'd asked him about the bruises on his face. And he'd replied 'Nothing.'

I backed out of the page, and looked on a few more until I heard a voice behind me.

"What you saw.. was not abuse, Frank." Gerard was glaring at the computer screen. "People just assume. As fucking usual." I stood up as the computer shut down, not saying anything. I turned to face him, and he had a look of anger and hurt on his face. I frowned, scrunching my hand in my hair.

"I-.. I just.. what I saw.." I paused. "and all the other times with the bruises and.. the short 'Nothings.' When I asked about them.." He just kept on staring, waiting for a better explanation.

A few minutes later he spoke quietly.

"I'm going to class." With that, he turned and walked out of the library.

I sighed, following after him but giving him his space.

We were half-way through a lesson, but I was too busy worrying about Gerards safety. I frowned to myself, thinking through what I'd seen and what I'd read. Scrubbing my face with my hands as I groaned mentally. I saw Gerard pull something from underneath the table, and write on it, before passing it to me.

'Please don't worry about me, Frankie.' I looked up at him, and he was watching me worriedly.

"Please." He mouthed and I nodded. I wrote my reply quickly.
'I'm sorry. I just care about you. Alot.'

He seemed to stiffen slightly, and shuffled on his seat. After a few moments he raised his hand and asked to go to the nurse. He practically ran for the door and left me staring after him.

"Gay's huh. Just too sensitive these days." I heard someone mutter, and I frowned.

What the fuck?

I ran down the corridors and into the toilets, locking myself into a cubicle and slumping to floor as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them tightly. I just let the tears stream down my face.

I didn't belive in that 'Be a man! Men don't cry.' bullshit. And I didn't think Frank did either, because I got the distinct feeling that he was just like me - confused.

I pulled the note from my pocket and stared at it with a sad smile.
I didn't even realise that someone was banging on the door until they shouted my name.

"Gerard!" It was Frank. "Open up.. please." I sniffled and reached up to flick the lock off. The door opened slowly and Frank leaned against the frame, staring down at me. I just kept my eyes locked on the note, not daring to even glance at him. "What's up?" He spoke quietly now, shifting on his feet slightly.

"Nothing. Just.. stuff in my head."

"You know I don't believe you, right?" I shrugged and made a 'I don't care.' face. "Please tell me, Gee." My head snapped up to look at him. No-one called me Gee apart from Mikey. I stared at his face, trying to read his blank expression. His eyes seemed glued to mine, and it took alot of strength to stop my lip pouting when he looked away.

Minutes passed as we kept silent and I frowned every time Frank shifted his feet uncomfortably. I knew he wanted to ask something.

"I know you want to ask me something, so just ask it." I said flatly.

"I don-"

"Just ask me for fuck sake!" I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

"When you left..." He paused, biting his lip. My stomach churned at the sight - but in a good way. "Someonesaidyouweregay." He rushed on his words and they sounded jumbled, but I knew exactly what he was saying. I just nodded.

"Go on, just run screaming for the hills. Telling everyone that I'm a weirdo cause I'm ga-"

"I'm not going anywhere, Gerard." He was staring at me, a look of point-blank certainty on his face. "You think that cause you're gay I'm just gunna' stop being your friend?" He laughed at the thought. "Plus it's cool to have another thing in common with you." He spoke quietly, staring at the floor. I smiled and shook my head.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, Frank. Kids in this school are just stupid. They can't cope if someone is different." He smiled back at me, and then looked at his watch.

"We should really get back to class." I nodded and stood up, brushing myself off.

We walked out of the toilets and back towards class.

I smiled the whole way.
Chapter two!

I'm uploading these all now because I put them on my Journal by accident. :)

Chapter 1:[link]

Chapter 3:[link]

Chapter 4:[link]

Chapter 5:[link]

Chapter 6:[link]
© 2010 - 2024 KilljoyMakeSomeNoise
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Uzumaki-Saa's avatar
Frankie is so sweet, so cute worrying about Gee :3
Aww I'm loving this :D